Haven Midwifery Collective is raising capital to open the first Midwifery-led birth center in Brooklyn, New York.

Haven Needs a Birth Center Location
We are raising capital to open the first Midwifery-led birth center in Brooklyn, New York. This birth center will provide safe, quality, loving care through pregnancy, birth, and beyond to the New York City community. Led by Black Indigenous People of Color and shaped by community voices, Haven Midwifery Collective will provide loving maternal and infant health in our communities. It will also be the first of its kind in our NY state, operating with a shared leadership model and community organizing approach that is rooted in deep equity and meaningful partnerships.
Lead with Haven.
Certified and Devoted to Midwifery-Led Care
Haven Midwifery certified midwives are devoted to accompanying and supporting women through each stage of pregnancy, from well women/people visits to delivering their baby. Haven Midwifery offers a safe, comfortable, out-of-hospital facility where healthy people in at a low risk for complications can give and experience birth naturally.
Support our capital campaign to open New York’s first free-standing birth center!
Build Haven Midwifery Collective
We are working to raise a total of $ 4 million: $1.5 million to buy land and build, and $2.5 million for the first two years of operations. We are ready to open our doors but we need to identify a location to make it happen. We want it to open in 2024. Beyond this initial capital investment, our operating model will generate revenue to support future sustainability.
We are at the beginning of this journey, but we know that with your help, we can make it to our $4 million goal.
Haven Midwifery Collective is a justice response to evidence of inequitable outcomes with care, which the Community demands.
Birth Centers are a healthcare solution to the current maternal health crisis. -Trinisha Williams
Midwifery Collective is a 501c3 nonprofit organization (83- 4663705). Donations are tax-deductible. Our mailing address is Haven Midwifery Collective 2222 Flatbush Avenue PO Box 340346 Brooklyn, NY 11234. You can make donations through this website, by mailing a check, or by emailing [email protected]
I am interested in making a campaign pledge paid out in installments.
Pledge Here
Google Form Coming Soon
Supported generously $25k by these foundations
Birth Future Foundation: $1,500
Play it Forward Fund at Amalgamated Charity Foundation $10,000

Our vision is that everyone has a safe and transformative birth experience.
We believe that when pregnant people are centered, feel a sense of agency, and are fully supported in their power, birth has the potential to transform outcomes across a number of measures and heal individuals, families, and communities for generations.

The mission of Haven Midwifery Collective is to improve maternal health through the integration of a community birth center in New York.
- A community birth center is a home-like place, outside of a hospital, offering the midwifery model of care. Birth center care results in lower rates of birth by cesarean section, increased rates of VBAC, lower rates of preterm birth, lower rates of babies born with low birth weight, and higher rates of initiated and sustained chestfeeding.
- Our work is guided by the belief that the world we want to live in – from a healthy family to a healthy planet – requires the reimagination of healthcare and the equitable redistribution of capital.
- To birth a just and bright future, and change course on maternal health, birth centers, especially those led by people of color, must be invested in at scale.
- Haven Midwifery Collective is about people at the margins redesigning healthcare in ways that improve experiences and outcomes for all.

Investment in birth centers has the potential to reduce and eliminate long-standing racial health inequities. We are launching a $4M capital campaign to purchase and renovate a building and cover costs for equipment and materials so we can open by Fall 2024. We invite you to be part of this community-led project to bring safety, equity, compassion, and self-determination to the birthing experience.
Frequently asked questions (FAQs) and more about how you can support.
How can I help?
Help us spread the word! Share with people in your life why you think New York needs a birth center and invite them to follow us on our social media
(@havenmidwiferycollective) and become supporters.
And over there are ways to volunteer! Click here to volunteer.
Register for our newsletter or sign up for our website to get involved.
Have questions about the best way to support? Check out our FAQs for donors below!
How do I donate to Haven Midwifery Collective?
Online: You can use this page to donate securely!
Mail: You can donate by mail, too. Please make the check out to “Midwifery Collective”, add “Haven Midwifery Collective” in the memo, and mail it to 2222 Flatbush Avenue PO Box 340326 Brooklyn, NY 11234.
Is my donation tax deductible?
Yes! Midwifery Collective is a fiscally sponsored program of Haven Midwifery Collective, a registered 501(c)3 charitable organization, which means that donations are tax-deductible (EIN #83-4663705).
Can I give to Haven Midwifery through a Donor Advised Fund?
Yes! You can contact your fund advisor or financial institution to request that a check be made out to Midwifery Collective, with Haven Midwifery Collective in the memo. Please contact [email protected] for help in setting up a DAF donation. If you donate through a DAF, please let us know so we can be sure to send you, our thanks!
Can I have my workplace match my donation to Haven Midwifery Collective?
Yes! Often this is as simple as filling out a one-page form and submitting it to your HR department. If your workplace uses an online giving catalog, such as Your Cause/NPO Connect, Midwifery Collective may already be a registered charity in your catalog. Be sure to add a note that funds are for Haven Midwifery Collective. If you have questions about whether your workplace offers donation matching or how to give to Haven Midwifery Collective, email [email protected] and we can help.
How do I continue to support Haven Midwifery Collective?
One of the best things you can do is to become a monthly donor – it’s quick, easy, and ensures Haven Midwifery Collective’s sustainability. Just use the donation button and choose “monthly” for your donation frequency.

Questions about Haven Midwifery?
Fill out the form and we will be happy to answer any questions or address any concerns you may have!